Filthy Rich Writer Review
Is Filthy Rich Writers’ Comprehensive Copywriting Academy Worth the Cash?
*This page contains affiliate links to the course I took and other products. If you decide to purchase something, I may get paid (but don’t worry, you still pay the same amount).
At the beginning of 2020, I was no longer enjoying my job.
I had two kids under 3, life was starting to get really busy, and the salary I was making mostly ended up covering daycare. Not a very fun situation to be in.
To say I was a little frustrated would be an understatement…
It had gotten to a point where I started looking on my break every day for something else I could do remotely that would pay well, use my creativity, and help me maintain my sanity as a working Mom.
That is when I found Nicki Krawczyk’s copywriting course on the Filthy Rich Writer website, and I watched this video which was the start to me launching my business.
I had seen a lot of other popular copywriting courses online and was interested in them, but when it came time to invest in the course, they were WAY above my comfort level.
After diving deeper into Nicki’s copywriting course, I found that she not only had an amazing resume doing work for companies like Marshalls, Reebok, Keurig, and Trip Advisor to name a few, but she had created an astonishingly thorough, self-paced copywriting course that anyone could take, and touched on virtually every subject you would want to know about as an aspiring copywriter.
In my opinion, Nicki had the strongest resume, the most years of experience (15+) in the industry, and seemed to be the most credible.
To top it off, the investment for the course was very reasonable, and for me, at the time, much more financially attainable than some of the others out there.
If you want a completely remote writing opportunity or to control more of your career, I would highly recommend taking her course.
It has been well worth my original investment and teaches you exactly how to start a copywriting business from the ground up.
It is not something for nothing- you have to work, but, if you put in the work, you can create a very profitable and satisfying career.
Here are a few video success stories where Nicki interviewed some of her students in the CCA…
This video is on an American citizen living in Cyprus, and she is making a 6-figure income!
Another student recently did an interview with Nicki, and she’s a stay-at-home Mom that started making $8,500 per month after just 3 months in the CCA.
This video is of a previous teacher who talked about how she created a livable income within 6 weeks of starting the academy.
If you want to ‘make a break for it’ and explore how to become a copywriter, or just make some income on the side, here is how to jump in. I wish you all success and if you would like more info about Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, just reach out!
Nicki Krawczyk
Author of Filthy Rich Writer and Comprehensive Copywriting Academy